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Does your app need AI? - A quick guide to determine whether Artificial Intelligence is the right choice for your digital product

Marketing Specialist
Jul 19, 2023 • 6 min

Much like SaaS revolutionized software delivery, AI is now on the wave of transforming user experiences and industry landscapes, and the profound impact of AI is felt across industries, from healthcare to fintech, and social, where it empowers applications to accomplish tasks previously deemed impossible. 

AI-powered apps have become pervasive in today's digital landscape, from voice assistants that schedule our appointments to personalized recommendations that shape our entertainment choices.

As technology evolves, founders and tech experts face a crucial question: 

Should their creations embrace the power of AI? 

In this article, we'll delve into the decisive considerations one should keep in mind before incorporating artificial intelligence into their apps, introducing important questions to ask and actions to take, as well as providing possible use cases and real-life examples every step of the way.


Understanding the Need for AI in Apps

Integrating AI into mobile and web apps offers many benefits that can elevate the user experience and enhance the functionality of a digital product, but don't be quick to jump on the bandwagon without carefully considering whether AI is the right solution for your application.

To make an informed decision, we strongly advise founders and tech experts to make an assessment by considering the following factors:


1. Problem and Purpose

Clearly defining the problem or challenge you want to solve with AI will help you understand if AI integration is necessary and how it aligns with your overall app strategy. By identifying the desired outcomes or goals, you can evaluate whether AI is the most effective solution to achieve them.

Questions to address: 

1. What specific problem or challenge do you want AI to solve within your app? 

2. How does integrating AI align with your overall app strategy? 

3. What are the desired outcomes or goals?


Clearly define the problem statement and goals, conduct market research to understand user needs and pain points that AI can address and look for successful case studies or examples of AI used to solve similar problems. 

Potential use case:

If you have a food delivery app and want to improve delivery estimates, integrating AI could involve leveraging historical delivery data, traffic patterns, and weather information to predict accurate delivery times.


2. Feasibility and Suitability

Assessing the feasibility of integrating artificial intelligence involves determining if AI technology can effectively address the identified problem within your app. Simultaneously, evaluating the suitability ensures that AI aligns with your target audience, app functionality, and overall user experience seamlessly.

Questions to address: 

1. Can AI effectively solve the identified problem? 

2. Does it align with your target audience and app functionality? 

3. Are there any technical limitations or constraints?


Make sure to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of AI technologies and research existing AI models, algorithms, and frameworks relevant to your problem. If you want to take it a step further, consider conducting a feasibility study or a proof-of-concept (PoC) to assess the suitability and potential impact of AI integration. 

Potential use case: 

If you have a language learning app, integrating AI-powered speech recognition and natural language processing capabilities could enable users to practice speaking and receive feedback on pronunciation and grammar.


3. Data Availability and Quality

Gaining a good understanding of the availability and quality of relevant data is important because AI algorithms typically rely on substantial amounts of data for effective training and operation. By assessing the reliability, diversity, and representativeness of the data, you can determine if you have access to the necessary data for successful AI integration.

Questions to address: 

1. Is there sufficient data available to train and operate the AI model effectively? 

2. How reliable, diverse, and representative is the data? 

3. Is the data adequately labelled and structured?


Identify the data sources required for AI integration, and try to assess data availability, quality, and potential biases. Determine if you have access to the necessary data or need to collect or acquire it, and consider data preprocessing and cleaning techniques to improve data quality. 

Potential use case: 

Integrating AI for dynamic pricing in a ride-sharing app would require historical ride data, user preferences, location information, and other factors to predict and adjust prices accurately.

Real-life example:

Netflix uses AI to provide personalized recommendations to its users. They leverage extensive user data on viewing history, preferences, and ratings to train their recommendation algorithms.


4. Expertise and Resources

Evaluating the expertise and resources required for AI integration helps determine if you have the necessary skills and capabilities within your team or need external assistance.

Assessing the resource requirements, including human resources, development tools, and infrastructure, will also help you gauge the budget and timeline for AI integration.

Questions to address: 

1. Do you have the expertise to develop, train, and maintain an AI model? 

2. What are the resource requirements in terms of skilled professionals, development tools, and infrastructure?


Assess your team's expertise in AI development and data science, determine if you need to hire or collaborate with AI experts or consider outsourcing development, and don’t forget to estimate the resources and budget required for AI integration. 

Potential use case:

If you're building a virtual assistant app, integrating AI voice recognition and natural language understanding would require expertise in speech processing, machine learning, and infrastructure to handle user queries.

Real-life example:

OpenAI offers the GPT-3 language model as an API, enabling developers to leverage AI-powered language processing capabilities without requiring extensive AI expertise.


5. Legal and Ethical Considerations

By considering legal and ethical implications, you ensure compliance with data protection and privacy regulations. Additionally, evaluating potential biases or discriminatory outcomes helps address ethical concerns and ensures fairness in AI integration.

Questions to address: 

1. What legal and ethical considerations arise from integrating artificial intelligence? 

2. Are there data protection or privacy regulations that need to be followed? 

3. How can you ensure fairness and avoid bias in the AI model?


Familiarize yourself with relevant data protection and privacy regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA. Implement proper data security measures and obtain user consent when necessary, and consider ethical guidelines for AI development, such as those outlined in frameworks like the AI Ethics Guidelines developed by the European Commission. 

Potential use case:

When integrating AI into a recruitment app, it's essential to ensure that the AI model doesn't exhibit bias in candidate selection based on gender, race, or other protected characteristics.

Real-life example: 

Google has faced ethical concerns with its AI projects, such as the controversy surrounding facial recognition technology in Google Photos, leading them to update their policies and improve user controls.


6. Performance and Scalability

Assessing performance requirements is crucial in gauging whether your current infrastructure can handle the computational demands of AI integration. Simultaneously, evaluating scalability needs ensures that your app can adeptly manage increased user demand and the demands of data processing.

Questions to address: 

1. What are the performance requirements for your AI features? 

2. Can your existing infrastructure handle the increased computational demands? 

3. How will the AI integration impact response time and resource utilization?


Evaluate the computational requirements of the AI model, consider scalability needs and assess your infrastructure's capacity and performance, then determine if additional hardware resources or cloud services are necessary to support AI functionality. 

Potential use case:

In a social media app, AI-based content recommendation algorithms must process and analyze large amounts of user data in real-time to provide concurrent personalized content feeds to millions of users.

Real-life example: 

Spotify utilizes AI for music recommendations, requiring real-time processing of large datasets. They leverage cloud-based infrastructure and distributed computing to handle the scalability and performance needs.


7. User Acceptance and Experience

Taking user acceptance and experience into account is essential for assessing the intuitiveness, value, and reception of AI features among your app's users. By conducting user research and gathering feedback, you gain valuable insights to facilitate iterative improvements, ensuring that AI integration enhances the overall user experience.

Questions to address: 

1. Will the AI features be intuitive and valuable to your users? 

2. How will they enhance the overall user experience? 

3. What feedback mechanisms can you use to gather user opinions?


Conduct user research, surveys, or interviews to understand user preferences and expectations regarding AI features. Prototype and test the AI integration with a representative group of users and iterate based on user feedback to ensure the AI features provide value and improve the app experience. 

Potential use case:

Fitness apps that integrate AI-powered personalization can provide customized workout plans and nutrition suggestions based on users' goals, preferences, and progress, enhancing the app's value and user satisfaction.

Real-life example: 

Grammarly, an AI-powered writing assistant, provides real-time spelling, grammar, and style suggestions. They continuously improve their AI model based on user feedback and performance data.


8. Competitive Landscape

By analyzing the competitive landscape, you unlock insights into how AI integration can offer a competitive edge and set your app apart from others in the market. A thorough understanding of your competitors' AI-powered features reveals valuable opportunities for innovation and user acquisition.

Questions to address: 

1. How does integrating AI give your app a competitive advantage? 

2. What AI-powered features or functionalities can differentiate your app from competitors?


Analyze the market and competitive landscape to identify existing AI-powered apps or features. Assess how AI integration can set your app apart, attract users, and drive engagement and consider partnerships or collaborations with AI startups or experts to leverage cutting-edge technologies. 

Potential use case:

An e-commerce app that uses AI for product recommendations based on user behaviour and preferences can gain a competitive edge by offering personalized shopping experiences compared to competitors with static product catalogues.

Real-life example: 

Google Maps is a widely used navigation and mapping app that has successfully integrated AI to enhance its features and competitive advantage. By leveraging AI algorithms and data analytics, Google Maps provides users with personalized recommendations, real-time traffic updates, accurate route suggestions, as well as street view and image recognition, that set the product apart.


9. Risks and Mitigation

Identifying potential risks associated with AI integration allows you to develop strategies to mitigate them effectively. By considering aspects like data security, privacy breaches, bias, and negative user experiences, you ensure responsible and ethical AI implementation.

Questions to address: 

1. What are the potential risks associated with AI integration? 

2. How can you mitigate risks related to data security, privacy breaches, bias, or negative user experiences?


Perform a risk assessment to pinpoint potential weaknesses and threats. Implement robust data security measures, encryption, and access controls to protect user data and continuously monitor and evaluate the AI model for bias or discriminatory outcomes, then take corrective actions as necessary. 

Potential use case:

AI-powered autonomous vehicles must address safety and security risks associated with self-driving technology, such as collision avoidance, privacy protection, and system vulnerabilities.

Real-life example: 

Amazon developed an AI-powered recruiting tool to automate resume screening for technical roles, but the system exhibited gender bias, downgrading resumes with women's names or mentioning women's colleges. To address this bias and mitigate risks, Amazon conducted an analysis to understand the sources of bias, adjusted the dataset to ensure equal representation, implemented continuous monitoring, and emphasized the importance of human involvement in the hiring process. 



Integrating AI into an app can offer numerous benefits. Still, it requires careful consideration and a holistic and systematic approach considering the problem, feasibility, data, expertise, legal aspects, performance, user experience, competition, and risk mitigation. 

By thoroughly evaluating these factors and taking appropriate actions, you can make informed decisions and maximize the chances of successful AI integration, delivering value to users. 

If you’re seriously considering spicing up your product with artificial intelligence, but don’t have the time or resources to assess whether AI is the right choice to elevate your app, our team at Wolfpack Digital is just a message away and eager to provide you with expert guidance and assistance. Reach out to us at and unlock the boundless possibilities of AI integration.

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